Wednesday, December 24, 2008

NST: 24.12.2008

Year-old baby raped: Two held
BUTTERWORTH: Police have detained two suspects for raping a year-old toddler.
Seberang Prai Utara district deputy police chief Superintendent Mohd Shukri Awang said the two suspects, aged 30 and 16, were neighbours of the victim. They were picked up on Saturday night.

"I do not know who was responsible for doing such a cruel act to my daughter. They must be animals."

This sums it all up. These are animals. Nay! But worse!

The world has become a place whereby every individual only thinks of himself. Little children, are no longer looked upon as having to be cared for, but to be taken advantage of because they lack the ability protect themselves, to communicate or to express themselves at this tender age.

And a person will take advantage of another if he thinks he can get away with it. What has the world come to?

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Retracted Statutory Declaration

There is an ongoing battle between the two of them. Dirty linen is being thrown for public viewing. Personal attacks not witholding. Alleged criminal involvement of a personal nature and not so personal nature holds sway.

Reading the first statutory declaration made by the PI Bala & looking at his demenour and reactions as well as facial expressions, I am inclined to believe that he made it of his own free will and all the contents seem believable. Reading the retraction afterwards & using the same criteria as above, I am prone to believe that it was made under duress. Come on, no one retracts a statement (SD) such as this in under 24 hours, it does not make sense unless he was intimidated. Whoever planned this made a blunder. If the PI were to make a withdrawal SD, he should have waited for at least a week. Then perhaps it would be a little more believable. It would have been better to leave the SD as it is and allow the police to investigate because it is not easy to prove what is written in the SD. As it stands now, I believe the majority of the public does not believe that the second SD is true.

Whilst there is a major battle ongoing, the Prime Minister have a breathing space. Looks like right not, the one person that DOES benefit from this is only one man, and that man is Abdullah Badawi.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Im Back

Yes, I did say that I was travelling frequently. Guess that I haven't stopped.

Its been a while since I posted anything on this weblog. Mostly I ve been rather busy with things.

A lot has happened since the last time and I believe I would be freer to post new thoughts.

I will not promise. But I will try my utmost to post my thoughts as they occur.